
Two Days With EMMY (Tokyo & Yokohama)

Hello !!
I will tell you something about Emmy and our two days with her.
She is a relative of Lucy´s and lives in Tokyo. Quiet a wonderful person.
Before our journey to Japan we didn't know much about her. Lucy just got a letter with her phone number and the question if we wanna meet her. Of course !! She called her and we promised to connect her once we are in Japan.
After we arrived in Tokyo we tried to connect her but the number was wrong. So we connected a friend of us and got the right number. Finally we were able to phone her. She said that we could meet the next day and she would send us a fax about where we had to go so she could pick us up by car.
Day I
Well at this day we had our first contact with the tube. First problem - we could not read Japanese and we didn't know how to use the Ticket machine. But again some people helped us and finally we arrived at the right station where she picked us up. After the first real contact we drove to her flat. She has a beautiful Panorama – I liked it so much !!
Then we went out to get lunch. We ate 'Tonkatsu'. That was so yummy ** I am rlly in love with this cinnamon sauce. After that we went to a museum for traditional japanese art of animals. I don't know that much about art, but I am rlly amazed 'bout the beauty of this simple pictures. I bought some cards :3
Then she took as to the Meiji Shrine near the center of Tokyo. And it was so quiet and beautiful there. I was so surprised about that. The Shrine was rlly huge and the area even more ^^'
But we didn´t stay there for a long time because it was so hot. It was over 36° !! So we bought some ice and went to Harajuku. There we had the possibility to go into the cold shops. After a little bit of walking we said goodbye. But with the promise to phone her the next evening.
This day was so amazing and I love Harajuku because there are so many shops (and the guys who photographed us because we are Europeans) * laugh *

Day II
After the Shibuya-Day we meet her again. We wanted to visit Yokohama. It's a town near Tokyo. So we took the tube. There is a China Town in Yokohama and this was our first stop. We walked around, tasted some Chinese food and were amazed 'bout the colorful temples and gates. It's different from Japanese temples and gates. They are mostly naturally wooden. After China Town we went to Landmark Tower. We took the elevator to the 69. floor (over 750 m) and – BOOM – we had a beautiful panorama. Also without good weather. Then Emmy took us back to Tokyo to the quarter called 'Ginza'. It is also called the japanese answer to the 5th avenue at America. There are so many shopping centers (and some rlly expensive ones) so you don't know where to go first. My favorite store was a music store where I could get all and everything. So I bought CD's and a present for someone ;3
At least we traveled to 'Ebisu'. The name is from one of the ten gods of Budah Religion. Ebisu is the god of happiness :DDD
And actually we were happy cause we were going to eat some Ramen. It was so tasty !! And I wanted to try japanese beer but they just had bottles .. well so I tried the whole bottle (½ L) xD But it was really god. I recommend 'Sapporo' beer to everyone who visits japan.
Then we had to say goodbye because on the next day we had to leave Tokyo rlly early. So last photos together and then 'Bye Bye!'.

Emmy is such a beautiful person. She is full of live and energy – and that with 86 years !!! Wow Ö___Ö If I ever should get as old as her I wanna be like her :D Thank you for this two amazing days. We love you!!! This entry is for you. Hope to see you soon in Germany <3

 Part of the Meiji Shrine

 Beginning of famous Harajuku shopping street

 A Temple in Chinatown [Yokohama]

 Part of the 360° Panorama at Landmark Tower [Yokohama]

 Ginza - no cars on weekend 

 My first real japanese Ramen - yummy :)

 Lucy/Emmy/Me - Thank You :DDD

And this ist Ebisu, the god of happines

1 Kommentar:

  1. Also von dem was ich lese stimme ich dir voll und ganz zu! xD Emmy scheint echt voll in ordnung zu sein, Man habt ihr Glück dort drüben jemanden zu kennen :3
    Und ich frag mich ja für weeeen du wohl was im Musikladen gefunden hast xDDD
    Viel Spaß euch zwei noch :3!!!
    Werdet hier drüben vermisst! <3
