
From the buissnes city Nagoya to the historic city Kyoto

We left early in the morning Nagoya because we've didn't know how long it will take to go to Kyoto by bus. It was interessing how the landscape changed again. In Kawaguchiko it was like a big forest full of big old trees. On the way to Nagoya I saw so many bamboo and rice fields. Amazing :D
After we arrived we searching for our hotel...again...and got help from other persons because we were lost...again ^^'
At this place I want to say 'THANK YOU' to all the people who helped us since now !!

After our Check In (the hotel is relly nice - and cheap) we went to eat. It was so god !!
Then we walked a little bit around at this area but not to long. Now it's relaxing time :)

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