
The Beginning

Seems 2016 will be my year cause a dream comes true. After many years of thinking I gathered all my courage and finally decided to do a work and travel year. And the chosen country is - Canada!

Let's make plans

Going to Canada for a W&T is not that easy. At first I needed a Visa. In New Zealand or Australia it is quiet easy to get one. In Canada you have to go through a long application process plus they changed the whole system compared to the last years. It isn't anymore 'First come, first serve', no, now it is lottery! And there is a Visa-Limit. Great. So I had no chance to plan anything, except of creating a Plan B. I had a time limit, that was my problem.
Anyway I tried. And after a long process I've been one of the first lucky persons who got a W&T Visa for 2016/17. Yayy!!
Now time has passed and so I had only two and a half months for planing everything.

What to do before leaving?

Agency or not?
  • I decided to go with one, cause I am alone and for me it is a better feeling to have somebody for the worst case.
Getting a flight.
  • Booking a flight in the Off-Season is way cheaper. Plus for me. Acctually it tooks me two days to find a more or less cheap flight with a good airline.
Backpack or suitcase?
  • Backpack! Forever Backpack. You have less space, but that's okay.
  • I'm living alone in an appartment for over six years now. I don't want to move out nor I have the time, so I decided to sublet it. 
  • I took a lot of time to cancel contracts, make new ones, getting official documents, international driver license, insurance...

  • For the beginning I booked some nights in a Hostel in Vancouver.

And so on, and so on... The to do list had been endless, but I was able to finish it (thank you mommy!). It was a race till the last minute ^^"
Completely stressed out and more than tired the day of leving had come. My family brought me to the airport. Saying goodbye is not so easy. I leave erverything behind me and try to survive one year on the other side of the world. But I hope it will be the best experience in my life. So after a long flight I finally arrived in Vancouver. To be honest I haven't seen a lot yet, coz when I checked in at the Hostel, it went straight to bed and slept fo over 10 hours.

So today is my first really day in Canda and I'll gonna explore Vancouver. 

Granville Street in Van

Cheers :)